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My Body My Taonga

Written by Rosalind Harrison and illustrated by Suzanne Simpson (Suitable for children aged 4.5 – 9 years)
Two young friends, Rāwiri and Ruby, have a kōrero about body safety and take readers on a learning journey with them. Tamariki learn the power of instincts, how to spot unsafe behaviour and master how to get help should they ever need to.

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The aim of the story is for children to:

  • Understand privacy and body boundaries, know who their trusted adults are.
  • Learn how to recognise types of unsafe behaviour including bribes, threats and unsafe secrets.
  • Understand that unsafe behaviour can come from an adult, a peer, someone they know or a stranger.
  • Trust their instincts and learn the plan of Stop, Walk and Talk.
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Safeguarding Children

Charities Number: CC49059
NZBN: 9429043276134

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