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Each person has human dignity

Each Person Has Human Dignity

Michelle Egran-Bitran (Safeguarding Children Consultant) has recently written this article “Each person has human dignity” for Tui Motu Magazine – the independent Catholic monthly. Michelle has worked as a Principal Advisor with the Royal Commission on Abuse in State and Faith-based Care. In this article, Michelle writes that for the Church to recover from its history of abuse they must demonstrate respect and love for each person in every aspect of church life.

“Everyone is born with mana. Everyone is sacred. No one was created to be abused. No one.” We want everyone to believe this statement because it is a fundamental principle of a well-functioning community. It is a foundation for justice and inclusion. But we have found that violence and abuse, including child abuse, occurs not only in society but in our Christian congregations, and both victims and perpetrators of violence are often members of the same congregation.

To read more on Michelle’s thought provoking “Each person has human dignity” article, click here. (Tui Motu Magazine. Issue 284 August 2023: 12-13)


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